
DNA損傷信號通路ChIP qPCR芯片 DNA Repair EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array

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DNA損傷信號通路ChIP qPCR芯片 DNA Repair EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array

DNA損傷信號通路ChIP qPCR芯片 DNA Repair EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array
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簡介:DNA Repair EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array DNA損傷信號通路ChIP qPCR芯片
服務名稱:DNA損傷信號通路ChIP qPCR芯片
服務熱線:400-696-6643、 18019265738
郵箱:daihp@yingbio.com 、 huizhang1228@foxmail.com

DNA Repair EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array

DNA損傷信號通路ChIP qPCR芯片
ProductSpeciesTechnologyCat. No.
DNA Repair EpiTect ChIP qPCR ArrayHumanHistone ModificationsGH-042A
DNA Repair EpiTect ChIP qPCR ArrayMouseHistone ModificationsGM-042A
The Human DNA Repair EpiTect Chip qPCR Array profiles the histone modification status or “histone code” of 84 key genes encoding the enzymes that repair damaged DNA. Histone modifications regulate chromatin structure, genome integrity, chromosome stabilization, DNA repair and transcriptional activity. Daily exposure to environmental agents (such as reactive oxygen species, methylating agents, UV light and other ionizing radiation) and even normal physiological processes (like replication and recombination) all damage DNA. Cells must repair DNA damage to prevent mutations from accumulating and to maintain genome integrity and stability. Inherited and acquired defects in DNA repair lead to accelerated aging and increased predisposition to cancer. Epigenetic dysregulation, also often occurring in cancer, affects DNA repair by altering the expression levels of relevant genes. For example, the BRCA1 promoter carries the H3K4me3 histone mark consistent with its active transcription in normal breast tissues. However, the BRCA1 promoter in breast cancers exhibits transcriptional repression, due to loss of H3K4me3 and gain of H3K9me2 histone marks. This array represents genes involved in the base-excision, nucleotide excision, mismatch, double-strand break, and other repair processes. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation and this real-time PCR Array, you can easily and reliably analyze the histone modification patterns associated with a focused gene panel involved in DNA Repair.
The EpiTect Chip qPCR Arrays are intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.
DNA損傷信號通路ChIP qPCR芯片分析參與DNA損傷信號通路的84個關鍵基因的組蛋白修飾狀態或組蛋白密碼。組蛋白修飾調節染色質結構和與相關基因的轉錄活性。。每天暴露在環境因素(如活性氧物種,使甲基化劑、紫外線,和其他電離輻射),甚至正常的生理過程(如復制和重組)都會損DNA。DNA損傷是公認的細胞周期檢查點,這樣細胞可以逮捕細周期進程并修復有絲分裂前損傷,或進行細胞凋亡如果損害無法挽回。細胞必須修復DNA損傷,防止突變的積累和維持基因組的完整性和穩定性。癌癥進程中可能出現突變或組蛋白修飾導致這個信號通路失調。BRCA1基因啟動子攜帶H3K4me3組蛋白標記在正常乳腺組織活躍轉錄。然而, 由于H3K4me3損失和獲得H3K9me2組蛋白標記,BRCA1基因啟動子在乳腺癌進程轉錄受抑制。這個芯片包含基本切除修復,核苷酸切除修復,錯配修復,雙鏈斷裂修復等相關的基因。利用這個芯片通過染色質免疫沉淀和實時定量PCR,可以很簡易、可靠地分析組蛋白的化學修飾模式與DNA損傷信號通路相關重要基因集的關聯。
EpiTect ChIP qPCR僅用于分子生物學應用。本產品不用于疾病的診斷、預防和治療。
Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER): ATXN3, BRIP1, CCNH, CDK7, DDB1, DDB2, ERCC1, ERCC2, ERCC3, ERCC4, ERCC5, ERCC6, ERCC8, LIG1, MMS19, PNKP, POLL, RAD23A, RAD23B, RPA1, RPA3, SLK, XAB2, XPA, XPC. 
Mismatch Repair (MMR): MLH1, MLH3, MSH2, MSH3, MSH4, MSH5, MSH6, PMS1, PMS2, POLD3, TREX2. 
Double-Strand Break (DSB) Repair: BRCA1, BRCA2, DMC1, FEN1, LIG4, MRE11A, PRKDC, RAD21, RAD50, RAD51, RAD51C, RAD51L1, RAD51L3, RAD52, RAD54L, XRCC2, XRCC3, XRCC4, XRCC5, XRCC6. 
Other Genes Related to DNA Repair: ATM, ATR, EXO1, MGMT (AGT), RAD18, RFC1, TOP3A, TOP3B, XRCC6BP1.

How it Works

The ChIP PCR array is a set of optimized real-time PCR primer assays on 96-well or 384-well plates for pathway or disease focused analysis of in vivo protein-DNA interactions. The ChIP PCR array performs ChIP DNA analysis with real-time PCR sensitivity and the multi-genomic loci profiling capability of a ChIP-on-chip. Simply mix your ChIP DNA samples with the appropriate ready-to-use PCR master mix, aliquot equal volumes to each well of the same plate, and then run the real-time PCR cycling program. (Download user manual)

What ChIP PCR Array Offers?

  • Function or Disease Focused: Arrays represent a panel of genomic regions relevant to a biological function or disease state.

  • Reliable & Sensitive: Arrays can analyze multiple genomic regions simultaneously with Real-Time PCR precision and sensitivity.

  • Easy to Use Data Analysis: Download an easy-to-use Excel-based data analysis template [here]. Data analysis is based on the ΔΔCt method with normalization of the specific antibody and control IgG raw data to input raw data.

Layout and Controls: The PCR Arrays are available in both 96- and 384-well plates and are used to monitor the expression of 84 genes related to a disease state or pathway plus five housekeeping genes. Controls are also included on each array for ChIP DNA quality controls and general PCR performance.
You can easily perform a ChIP PCR Array experiment in your own laboratory, or send your samples to us and take advantage of our 
PCR Array Services.


EpiTect Chip qPCR Arrays provide the high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility using SYBR-based real-time PCR technology.

Together with our easy and fast One-Day ChIP kit, ChIP-Grade Antibody Kits, one million cells per assay as starting material provides 100% effective call rates.

Ct Range


Percent Distribution of Ct Values
InputH3K4me3Control IgG
Absent Calls0%0%4%

Table 1. ChIP PCR Arrays Analyze the Enrichment of 84 Genomic Sites with as Little as One Million Cells. P19 mouse embryonic carcinoma cells were prepared for ChIP Assay using the EpiTect Chip One-Day Kit and anti-H3K4me3 Antibody Kit. One million cells were used as starting material for each ChIP Assay. The purified ChIP DNA samples were characterized using Mouse Stem Cell Transcription Factor ChIP PCR Array with 1/100th of the ChIP DNA as template in each well. The Real-Time PCR results demonstrate 100 % effective call rates for the Input Fraction (Ct < 30). The difference of Ct value between the anti-H3K4me3 antibody and the control IgG fractions indicates the specific enrichment of the antibody, whereas the high Ct value of the control IgG fraction indicates the low background of the assay.

The complete ChIP PCR Array System demonstrates a high degree of reproducibility across technical replicates, lots, instruments, and different handling, insuring reliable detection of differences in genomic DNA enrichment among biological samples.

Figure 5. Consistent Performance within the Same Plate or across Different Plates. Sonicated chromatin from HeLa cells (20 μg) was immunoprecipitated with 2 μg of anti-H3ac antibody or control IgG for 2 hours using the EpiTect Chip One-Day Kit. The obtained ChIP DNA samples were characterized in triplicates with EpiTect Chip qPCR primers specific for the active genes (GAPDH, RPL30, ALDOA), inactive genes (MYOD1, SERPINA), repetitive sequence (SAT2, SATa), and an ORF-free region (IGX1A) either within the same array plate or among different array plates in order to evaluate the intra- and inter-plate consistency. The anti-H3ac antibody enriched genomic DNA at active gene promoter regions with a high signal-to-noise ratio and a low co-efficiency of variation (less than 2.02%), irrespective of the type of assay (intra or inter-plate)

Figure 6. Consistent Performance with Various Amount of DNA Samples, Instruments or Handling Conditions. All experiments were performed in triplicates. Cells from MCF-7 (1 million per sample) were subjected to ChIP assay with anti-RNA Polymerase II (Pol 2) antibody followed by qPCR analysis of the proximal promoter of GAPDH, and an ORF-free region (IGX1A). Researcher A & B performed the PCR assays either in 96-well plate or 384-well plate format, on a Stratagene MX 3005 or an ABI 7900 Real-Time PCR instrument respectively. The same ChIP DNA samples were used which were stored for extended periods of time as indicated. The results demonstrate high reproducibility of PCR performance across technical replicates, lots, instruments, and differential handling.

Specific and Accurate ChIP-qPCR Detection
One prerequisite for ChIP PCR Array technology is the uniform and high
PCR amplification efficiency allowing a reciprocal comparison of ChIP enrichment among all genomic loci analyzed. The unique combination of SABiosciences' proprietary ChIP-qPCR primer design algorithm, rigorous validation of every ChIP-qPCR primer assay, and high performance SYBR Green master mix guarantees superior performance of EpiTect Chip qPCR Arrays.



Figure 7. Uniform Amplification Efficiency and Specific PCR Detection. 96 ChIP-qPCR primers were randomly picked from our genome-wide primer pool and analyzed for their performance. (A) All assays exhibit an average amplification efficiency of 99% with a 104.5% confidence interval between 102.5-105.2%, the uniform high amplification efficiency ensures accurate analysis of multiple genomic loci simultaneously using ΔΔCt method. (B) Each ChIP-qPCR primer assay is experimentally validated using dissociation (melt) curve analysis and agarose gel verification. Each pair of primers on PCR Array produces a single specific product as indicated by a single Dissociation Curve peak at a melting temperature (Tm) greater than 75 oC, and PCR product was further validated on agarose gel for a single product of the predicted size without secondary products such as primer dimers

Application Examples

EpiTect Chip qPCR Arrays provide streamlined approaches to 1) Study biology or disease-focused gene regulation through histone modification and transcriptional regulatory network; 2) Monitor the dynamics of chromatin structure in the screening of function-specific epigenetic patterns; 3) Validate ChIP-on-chip or ChIP-seq results. The EpiTect Chip qPCR Arrays are also powerful tools for studying the mechanism contributing to gene expression changes observed by RT2 Profiler PCR Arrays.

Below are listed a few examples of application data generated by our R&D group. To see the research using ChIP PCR Arrays published by the scientific community, please see our Publication List:http://www.sabiosciences.com/support_publication.php

Stem Cell Research

Stem cell differentiation into specific tissues involves the complex yet coordinated action of many transcription factors regulating not only tissue-specific genes, but also genes essential for differentiation itself. Histone modifications at the promoters of transcription factors are key mechanism regulating their expression. We used EpiTect Chip qPCR Arrays and RT2 PCR Arrays to monitor the dynamic coordination of epigenetic modification and gene expression during retinoic acid (RA) induced differentiation of P19 mouse embryonic carcinoma cells (Figure 1). This RA treatment differentiates pluripotent P19 cells into somatic cells (Figure 2). The EpiTect Chip qPCR Array data showed that both gene expression and histone modifications on key transcription factors were changed in a dynamic manner through the course of P19 cell differentiation (Figure 3).

Figure 1. Schematic Representation of Pluripotency-Associated Gene Dynamics throughout Stem Cell Differentiation

Figure 2. Retinoic Acid (RA) Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Carcinoma P19 Cells.

Figure 3. Dynamic Epigenetic Alternations and Gene Expression Changes during RA-Induced P19 Differentiation. ChIP PCR Arrays and RT2 PCR Arrays were used to monitor the changes in gene expression levels and histone modification marks (H3Ac, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, and H3K9me3). The promoter region and expression levels of 84 key stem cell transcription factors were simultaneously analyzed during RA-induced neurogenesis of P19 cells at various time points (day 0, 4, and 8). Primer sets for the +1kb region downstream of the transcription start sites of the 84 genes and 12 control regions were preloaded on the ChIP PCR Array. Cluster analysis (http://www.sabiosciences.com/chippcrarray_data_analysis.php) of histone marks and mRNA level changes for the 84 genes were visualized as a heat map to represent the fold-differences during the RA-induced differentiation at the specified time points.

Characterize the Pattern of Histone Modifications

EpiTect Chip qPCR Arrays can be used to monitoring differential histone modifications across a gene.

Figure 4. The Custom EpiTect Chip 30Kb Tiling Array Quickly Maps Histone Modifications Surrounding the Transcription Start Site (TSS) of CDKN1A Gene. EpiTect Chip Antibodies against modified histones (H3Ac, H3K4me2, H3K27me3), or NIS were used to precipitate chromatin from one million HeLa cells. Each ChIP DNA fraction was analyzed with Custom EpiTect Chip 30Kb Tiling Array representing 30 one-kb tile intervals across the promoter region of the CDKN1A gene. The results indicate the enrichment of histone markers for actively transcribed genes (H3Ac and H3K4me2) but not marks for transcriptional inactive genes (H3K27me3) in the genomic region surrounding the TSS of CDNK1A.
