

欄目:最新研究動態 發布時間:2019-08-22

  1. 一般現在時主要用于表示現在存在的狀態、客觀事實或普遍真理,通常存在寫論文時敘述研究的目標、內容、方法以及研究結果,以及Acknowledgments(致謝)中。值得注意的是,對于別人已發表的成果,出于尊重不用過去時,而是用一般現在時。
  2. 一般過去時用來表示過去某一時間內發生的動作或存在的狀態,主要用在描述作者所做的工作、比如材料、方法和結構等。
  3. 一般將來時主要用于撰寫論文后發生的工作或狀態,比如提出下一步的研究方向。
  4. 現在完成時用來介紹已經完成的研究和試驗,并強調其對現在的影響。此時態將過去時間發生的事情與現在的情況聯系起來,強調過去對現在的影響和作用。
  5. 過去完成時當作者研究之前就有人已進行過相關工作,即「過去的過去」,或表示已存在的狀態,用過去完成時表達。
通常一篇SCI論文會包括Abstract、Materials and Methods、Results、Conclusion、Discussion、Acknowledgments、References幾個部分,大多是大同小異,比如有的可能會有Summary、Supplemental Data等。知道了以上5個基本參考標準后,下面小編將從論文的不同部分進行分析該用什么時態:
  1. Introduction中的研究背景通常引用相關學科中廣為接受的原理或事實,以及你所做研究的重要性,這些通常采用一般現在時
      例:Genomics provides crucial information for rational drug design.
  2. 在Introduction中也可能引用與你的研究相關的一些研究結果,為表達你對該研究結果仍堅信其正確性及相關性,即使已經是很久以前的研究結果,可使用一般現在時
      例:Garcia (1993) suggested that under certain conditions, an individual’s deposit income is the same as the income from purchased national debt, thus changes in the amount of bank loans and deposits caused by changes in the amount of reserves will eventually affect the bond price.
  3. 與上面一條相應的,如果該研究成果已經過時或失效,則用一般過去時
     例:Nineteenth-century physicians held that women got migraines because they were "the weaker sex," but current research shows that the causes of migraine are unrelated to gender.
  4. 如果作者認為自己的結論僅僅是一種可能性或只是當時表示的研究結果和研究范圍,或只適用本研究環境和條件的結論,則用一般過去時   
     例:The morbidity and mortality rates observed in our group of receiving long-term TPN, therefore, were far in excess of what would be expected for a population of patients whose mean age was 27 years. 
  5. 介紹研究背景時,動作是從過去某一時刻開始一直持續到寫本論文為止,或強調過去的行為對目前的影響。現在完成時常用于資料性文摘中則用現在完成時  
     例:With ultrasound, the progression from a normal gallbladder to one with gallstones has been documented in more than 25 patients.
Materials and Methods
   例:The purpose of report was to consider the etiologic mechanism and new therapy of ...(疾病名稱).
   例如,在外科文章里,讀者會喜歡“A catheter was inserted for post-operative bladder irrigation.”勝過于“We inserted a catheter for post-operative bladder irrigation.”

  1. 如果是描述圖表內容的Results,表示寫論文時的狀態,用一般現在時
       例: A detailed summary for each sample is provided in Supplementary Table 1.

  2. 如果是描述自己得出的研究成果,則用一般過去時進行詳細闡述。
       例1:Overall, more than 70% of the insects collected were non-phytophagous.
       例2:Following activation of NT oocytes with strontium, the cell cycle resumed in both groups.

         例:The drug improves microcriculation by increasing erythrocyte flexibility, inhibiting platelet aggregation ,decreasing vascular resistance. It also improves tissue oxygenation and increases ATP production.  
    例:Weight increased as the nutritional value of feed increased. These results suggest that feeds higher in nutritional value contribute to greater weight gain in livestock
    例:Leaf carbon and phenolic content did not differ across sites, indicating that the response of secondary plant chemicals such as phenolics to water is complex.
       例:Three patients with fever were treated the same way. The first patient with fever was treated before volunteers had been studied.

   1. 強調過去的研究成果采用過去時,表達將來的研究方向或研究前景用將來時 
      例:In conclusion, our study provided a portrayal of circRNAs in different human normal and cancerous tissues.
   2. 闡述自己研究成果的意義用一般現在時。 
      例:Taken together, these lines of evidence reveal a new level of diversity in the transcriptome and their regulation in human cells. 
   3. 提出研究前景或將來的研究方向用將來時,這部分也可能出現在Discussion中。 
     例:It will be interesting to explore whether lincRNA-p21 can interact with epigenetic factors